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How Metrin Fixes Fine Lines and Wrinkles

Smile too much? Don’t worry, make your skin happy.

We all get older – can’t get around that. Alas, as we do, time and the elements both take a toll on our skin. Fine lines and wrinkles can begin to appear at any time, and most of us would like to either go back in time to tell our younger selves to do something about it before it’s too late, or take steps now to prevent ‘em from taking hold in the first place.

Of course, time travel isn’t actually a possibility – not yet – but by switching your skin care routine from damage-control to focus on restoring and preserving your skin’s natural health, you can minimize and even reverse these signs of aging.


No time travel required

(or at least take us with you)

Your skin doesn’t want to age. Actually, your body’s systems have evolved to keep this from happening! Your skin’s primary function, of course, is to protect your mooshy innards from all the stuff you’d rather keep out. It takes the brunt of the blows for you, and stays in a constant state of renewal from the inside out.

Time and trials wear this process down. Luckily, getting things back on track can be simple if you understand how the process works. Keeping your skin healthier and younger-looking for life means targeting all three layers.


At the surface (epidermis)

Most people (and skin care systems) kind of… stop here. And while surface treatments can go a long way toward creating the results you want, we need to go deeper. But while we’re here, let’s look at the surface in depth.

You’re shedding skin, right now. It’s called exfoliation, which you probably knew, and everybody’s doing it. That’s why you lose

Skin care Fun Fact

The huge majority of that dust you wipe off the coffee table? It’s human skin. Ew! But imagine if it just stuck around on your body forever? Er… on second thought, let’s not imagine that.

your tan over the winter: The exfoliation process continually renews your skin, replacing old dead cells with fresh, healthy new ones. But exfoliation slows as you age – by about 10% per decade – leaving your surface skin looking older because… well, it literally is.

Exfoliation’s the first step in any smart skin care system (basically, you can never exfoliate too much). But a lot of people take that too far, using harsh chemicals or abrasives to strip the skin right off themselves. This can be painful and even leave you vulnerable to infections and other un-fun stuff.


Here’s a better idea: use gentle, non-abrasive exfoliants to augment the natural exfoliation process; to help remove old, dead skin cells and stimulates new cell growth. This leaves skin feeling softer and smoother – because it is – and reduces its susceptibility to fine lines and wrinkles by smoothing its surface texture and keeping healthy, new skin closer to the surface.


Deep Nourishment (Dermis & Hypodermis)

What’s the difference between healthy new skin and old dead skin? Seems obvious to the eye, but there’s more to it than that.

Everyone’s skin loses elasticity and flexibility over time, as our bodies’ collagen, elastin, and natural oil production slows down. Alas, we need all three of these things to preserve the supple, smooth texture of youth.  There is hope: by targeting the dermis with rich antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, you can naturally encourage your body’s renewal systems to step up their game and give your skin the support it needs.

The inevitable collagen collapse is one of wrinkles’ best friends. Good news – good ol’ Vitamin C not only stimulates production of new collagen, it helps stabilize the existing stuff for better support to the epidermis.


Skin care misconception

People often focus on moisturizing to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. That helps, sure but oil-based skin care products do a far better job. They carry nutrients deep into your skin’s inner layers – and that helps a lot more.

That said, it needs a carrier that can put it where it needs to go. And even though Vitamin C’s water-soluble, water-based products usually don’t penetrate deeply enough to deliver. That’s why METRIN uses both water and fat-soluble versions of the vitamin.

‘Cause the good stuff needs to get right down in there, to the hypodermis – the deepest layers of your skin. Fine lines and wrinkles aren’t formed here, but its deep-down subcutaneous fat cells are critical in delivering nutrients back to your skin’s outer layers to keep them nourished and healthy. These cells shrink with age, leaving skin much more susceptible to both damage and wear. METRIN’s nutrient-rich, oil-based formula helps them perform better naturally by giving them what they need to do their jobs.

How it all comes together

(making skin fit like a glove)

Layers of the Skin

  • Hypodermis – it’s kind of like your skin’s refinery. The hypodermis’ fat cells break down and supply nutrients, proteins, oils, and acids to the outer layers. If you provide the fuel it needs, age-related deterioration slows (or even reverses) and more of the good stuff gets shipped.
  • Dermis – it’s a skin factory. Here, the magic happens: fresh, healthy, young-looking skin cells get produced every day to replace the older ones on the surface. Fueled by the hypodermis, the dermis also produces collagen and elastin, two proteins essential for smooth, supple skin.
  • Epidermis – shields up! Full power. It’s your body’s barrier against the outside world (without it, you’d be a mess). As skin cells age they get pushed toward the surface, and with insufficient exfoliation, or when new cells aren’t produced fast enough to replace them, or when elastin & collagen levels fall, the skin’s outermost layers start to show classic signs of aging – fine lines and wrinkles. For a shield, it sure needs a lot of protection!

To put it simply, your skin, like any complex system, depends on each layer to make it more efficient.

The METRIN Skincare System’s been helping your skin do that for over 85 years and our formula has never changed because it’s always worked.

It’ll work for you, too, and we’ll prove it. Try METRIN for 6 months and if you don’t see marked reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, if you’re not completely satisfied? No questions asked: it’s FREE. Period.


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