skin care expectations
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What Should Your Skin Care Expectations Be?

All skin is created equal and a good skin care routine should enhance your skin’s appearance and its overall health. This is accomplished through each product complementing and building on the effects of  the other while working with the skin’s natural functions. That is how a great skin care routine should work to help your skin be at its very best, regardless of your age or skin condition.

All that said, it’s still important to keep everything in mind and have realistic expectations of what any new skin care products or program will do for you and your skin over time beyond any (temporary) immediate results.

Just because you are working hard every single day or you are using all the right products and spending money, you can’t skip past the time needed or your body’s own natural biology. Consistent use and repetition of a daily skin care routine done over time is really the only way to have great skin, so do the work and patiently wait for it to work.

Don’t expect to get everything you want and better skin right away or for any dramatic changes overnight – after all, you are working with your body’s natural processes.

It Takes Time

Once you’ve decided on your skin care path,  products, and regimen, it takes time not only to get started, but also, get into a rhythm, and make sure everything is working together in harmony. It probably won’t be seamless, but if you do things right and get comfortable at what you are doing, it should show positive, lasting results for you and your skin.

Please remember, there is no one magical ingredient for anything, much less daily skin care. Any quick results or cure-all claims won’t last if they come at all. Skin care is about the proper combination, order, and regimen of product use.

Like the rest of your body, the skin needs a proper nutritional diet to be at its absolute best. Few things can speed up the process drastically or significantly without the core steps need to properly clean and refresh your skin.


When trying a brand new skin care product for the first time, some people may notice a run of breakouts in their first few weeks of use. This is completely normal. Sometimes, before a new skin care product can work properly, it needs to work with your skin and its natural functions to transition to a proper balance. On its way there, sometimes the results lead to unexpected blemishes all at once.

The products are not causing any new breakouts but only speeding up your skin’s regular cycle. This may cause issues that were already going to occur to appear all at the same care expectations

Renewal Process

Often the best way to clear up your initial breakouts and reach that more beautiful skin you want is to continue doing your complete program day and night.

Think of it like exercising or working out. When you work out for the first time in long time, your body feels extra sore afterwards. But as you work out more consistently, your muscles heal and you become stronger. This premise also applies to your skin’s natural functions.

Your skin has its own organic renewal process that rids and replaces its skin cells to keep you healthy. After one complete cycle of this, usually around a month, you should start to be notice changes for the better and clearer skin.

After the Cycle

Like we said, it’s important to keep in mind that your skin’s normal renewal process is around one month, so any breakouts should start to clear after 6-8 weeks as you see visibly better skin results from your new skin care program.

It’s also key to remember, like any endeavor, you get what you put into it. Daily skin care is only as effective as its user. Be patient and do the work, every day, as needed and take care of your skin and avoid those bad habits. There’s no use working so hard on a daily skin care routine only to be unhealthy otherwise.


Be careful when comparing your skin care improvement with others. While skin is created equal, other unique factors, such as the quality of the sleep you are getting, medication use, allergies,   and unknown elements can skew your expectations.

Unfortunately, social media and sharing selfies online can affect our own expectations for our appearance when compared to others. Keep in mind, not everyone is always truthful about how they achieved their “look”. In measuring expectations, using your own ruler to measure yourself – rather than using other people’s ruler to measure yourself – is the key to your success.

Sometimes those who brag about their unnaturally glowing, revitalized skin use chemical or cosmetic procedures to achieve an enhanced but artificial and temporary skin appearance. Be wary and skeptical of anyone who appears to have experienced a dramatic change in their skin. It’s probably not natural and not healthy for your skin long-term.


Sustained, long-term improvement is what everyone should be aiming to achieve. After your first cycle of use, you should be relatively satisfied if you see clear improvement moving forward.

Be patient but as long as you are seeing results, keep with it. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your dedication paying off. Every day you do your skin care regimen is another day towards achieving your skin goals.

It’s important to be hopeful but remember to check your expectations and keep them grounded and realistic. If you’ve done your homework and chosen the best path moving forward for your skin then your routine should take of you as long as you follow through daily.

Be patient, do the work, and see the results of better, healthier, more beautiful skin every day.

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