Aloe Vera – The Most Powerful Skin Care Ingredient on Earth
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Aloe Vera – The Most Powerful Skin Care Ingredient on Earth

Proven skin care benefits over thousands of years What single plant with centuries of proven skin care effectiveness has multiple natural vitamins and 20 of the 22 amino acids required by humans?  And, not to mention, enzymes, minerals, fatty acids and other natural ingredients beneficial to the skin? It’s the Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) plant –…

5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin During Fall and Winter
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5 Ways to Combat Dry Skin During Fall and Winter

Learn how to combat dry skin this fall and winter. For many people, winter weather brings more than just the prospect of the holidays. Colder temperatures and low humidity levels result in dry air resulting in flaky, chapped, and irritated skin. While switching to a good moisturizer at the first sign of winter is a…

Finding the Right Moisturizer for Your Skin
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Finding the Right Moisturizer for Your Skin

No matter what type of skin you have, experts recommend the use of a daily moisturizer to help your skin remain youthful, elastic, and effectively hydrated. This blog will help you find the right moisturizer for your skin. Whether you have naturally oily, combination, or dry skin, moisture and hydration are essential to keeping it healthy….

What Causes Dry Skin and How to Treat It
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What Causes Dry Skin and How to Treat It

Dry skin is not only an unwanted cosmetic concern, but it can also accompanied by some uncomfortable physical symptoms. When skin lacks its necessary natural oils, it may become tight, itchy, flaky, dull in appearance, and predisposed to wrinkles and fine lines. These symptoms occur when there’s not enough natural oils or when the skin’s barrier function…

Finding Balance: Treating Dry or Oily Skin
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Finding Balance: Treating Dry or Oily Skin

Your skin wants to feel just right – it wants to balance oil production and moisture retention to prevent too much or little of either. Modern life mounts an all-out assault on its ability to balance itself, though, so if you’re struggling to maintain it we’ve got good news for you: It’s not your fault……